2018 has been another busy and exciting year here at Peak Chiropractic.
January & February
We started the year as we aimed to go on, with a party! We enjoyed our practice bar, where we got to hang out with you and your families. We look forward to our 2019 braai on Friday, February 8.
We also implemented measures to avoid Day Zero. We hope to keep up with these water saving measures despite the restrictions now being relaxed.
Dr Greg and Dr Donne attended a paediatric seminar over 2 weekends, one in Jo’burg and the other in Durban. They completed courses in Neonatal Examination, Spinal & Cranial Correction and Treatment of Common Paediatric Syndromes. They will both be attending the follow-up in this seminar series in February 2019.
We had our first Tea Tasting Evening with our friends at The Tea Journey. They have been supplying us with all of the tasty teas that you are enjoying when you come in for your adjustments.

Steve Williams Seminar Group with Dr Greg
Yvonne celebrated the arrival of healthy and happy grandchild number 4, Senna.
Penny and Rene both celebrated their 50th birthdays.
April & May
Dr Donne headed off to New Zealand as the chiropractor for the U18 South Africa Ice Hockey Team.
Dr Greg participated in The Mankind Project and would highly recommend it to all men living in modern society.
Penny completed an Education Facilitators course which has opened up new ways in which she can help our community.
We celebrated Peak’s 6th Birthday! It has been 6 years since Dr Greg brought Eils to Cape Town and they opened the doors of Peak Chiropractic. We made this celebration the focus of our team event. Our team events are organised by two of us and the rest of the team only find out the day before! It keeps everyone in suspense and makes it even more special. The team was surprised by Penny and Eils with a MasterChef Challenge hosted by Food Jams. Check out the video montage on our Facebook Page.
Dr Greg flew to Edinburgh where he was a featured speaker at The Edinburgh Lectures. He was also treated to a Rolling Stones concert by his parents-in-law!
Yvonne took some well-deserved time off and is grateful for a growing understanding of the messages her body sends her.
Dr Greg flew up to Jo’burg to teach ABC™ to an eager group of chiropractors.
Penny attended a seminar on Privacy & Information Awareness in the Healthcare Practice and has implemented new procedures in the practice encompassing this.
Dr Donne compete in the Ice Hockey Ladies Inter-Provincials in Port Elizabeth. She came back with some silverware for her mantlepiece – MVP and a Silver Medal!

Rene completed the Demartini Method Facilitator course.
Dr Greg represented the team at the Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA) Congress in Jo’burg.
There was another eager group of chiropractors in Cape Town who came to learn ABC™ from Dr Greg.
We had our second Tea Tasting Evening with The Tea Journey. We sampled another tasty variety of teas, some of them made their way to our tea table.
Dr Donne flew to Brussels to attend a course in Neuro Emotional Technique. NET is used to correct neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress and is a great technique that complements what we already do in the practice.
Eils completed a babywearing course through Slingababy, a UK-based babywearing school. She is now a certified babywearing consultant and is available to see expectant parents to help them before baby arrives, families who are completely new to babywearing (whether it’s newborn or toddler stage) and experienced baby wearers looking for extra tips and tricks. Chat to the front desk team for contact details.

October also saw Dr Greg as an expert witness for a case in the UK again.
Once again, we hosted a highly informative vaccine workshop by a medical doctor and pharmacologist. All those who attended are now more confident that they are making a fully informed decision about their family’s health and well-being.
We had our Eco Menstrual workshop with Rona Mirimi who came and spoke to us about the different reusable, eco-friendly options for women.
We had our year-end event. Yvonne and Eils took us to Clay Cafe in Hout Bay where we got our craft on painting some pottery, followed by a meal at Quentin’s. Have a look at our video montage of the day.

We also invited some of the performers from Zip Zap Circus into the practice to learn more about how they can enhance their performance with chiropractic care. We are looking forward to working with Zip Zap in 2019.

Dr Greg was also invited to talk at Ubuntu Baba on how to be a well-adjusted mom.
Penny’s ladies team – The Unstoppa-Bowls – beat 23 other teams to win the Newbies Tournament at Mowbray Bowls Club.
Lorraine, who works behind the scenes to keep the practice looking its best, celebrated her 50th birthday!
Movement coach, Rika, was back – this time with a Healthy Foot workshop. A fascinating evening filled with practical ways to improve the health of your feet.
Things start to slow down for the festive season. With the long school holidays, this is an ideal time to bring your kids in to get checked. Find out how we are making this easier for you: chat to any member of the Peak team for more details.
Dr Donne will be out of the office from 9 until 18 January 2019. She has been selected to captain the SA Ladies Ice Hockey team at the Ice Hockey Women’s World Championships. You can head to The Ice Station at Grand West to show her some support.
We will remain open over the festive period. Dr Greg will be in during Christmas week and Dr Donne will be in during the New Year week. Get your appointments booked now, as there will be limited space available.
What do we have to look forward to in 2019?
The annual Peak Chiropractic New Year bar will be happening on Friday, February 8. Look out for more details in the January newsletter.
Dr Greg’s diary is already starting to fill up with speaking engagements all over the world. Including the Advanced BioStructural Correction Australasia (ABCA) Convention in Singapore in August.
Keep an eye out both in practice and on our social media pages for our Community Health Talks. Details will be released closer to the time.
Peak Chiropractic Centre located in Claremont are family-friendly chiropractors focused on relieving aches, pains and posture correction. We offer in-house X-Ray facilities.