Peak Insights
Chiro for Kids
Chiropractic Care for Children of All Ages Chiropractic care can help your child’s physical and emotional health throughout their life – from birth through to adulthood. The Early Years As parents, we do so many things to ensure our baby’s...
Does a Chiropractor help with back pain?
Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, preventing people from doing everyday tasks and activities. Back pain is also sometimes referred to as lumbago, which takes its name from the lumbar region of the spine. Although Chiropractors can do more...
Learning to Master Your Mind Starts with Awareness
“Where does your mind end and your body start?” This was a question the Dali Lama posed to a group of neuroscientists at a conference that led to a full two-day discussion. The clearest answer the world’s best scientists could give was that they did not know if there...
Should You Try A Back Brace For Lower Back Pain?
What is a back brace? A back brace or lumbosacral orthosis (LSO) is a device a person may wear to support their back. Some people believe they may reduce back pain, prevent injuries, promote recovery, and encourage correct posture and proper spine alignment. A...
Your Past Shapes Your Future – A Chiropractic Perspective
As our society becomes more and more “civilised“ we become more and more future-focused. We focus only on technological advancement and what is the next best thing. Forgetting about our past and specifically our beginnings, we run the risk of losing sight of valuable...
Benefits of Chiropractic care for Women
Whether you are pregnant or not, a new mother, overweight, live a stressful life, are physically active in work and/or sports, Chiropractic care could benefit you. Chiropractic care can promote overall health and well-being but many of those who seek help from a...
5 Tips to Make Sleeping Easier and Better
All living creatures need sleep. If It's the state during which they’re most vulnerable, why didn’t evolution do away with it? It must be because it’s absolutely essential. The question is: why? Imagine a drug commercial that advertised a substance that would:...
Chiropractor’s Toolkit – Digital Posture Scans
“Posture affects and moderates every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.” AJPM 1994 Your posture is vital to how...
Chiropractic Care to Ease the School Holidays Stress
While school holidays are an exciting time for children, it can be a time of stress and anxiety for parents - organising time off work, childcare, holiday clubs, a family holiday, or a visit with extended family. Chiropractic care can help your body deal with stress...
Can Chiropractic Help with Tennis Elbow?
Have you ever experienced pain or weakness in your elbow radiating into your lower arm, your hand and fingers? Then you may have experienced Tennis Elbow. Despite its name, most people who are diagnosed with tennis elbow are not tennis players. What is Tennis Elbow?...
Recent Posts
The Gift of Health: Embracing Wellness During the Festive Season
The Gift of Health: Embracing Wellness During the Festive Season As the festive spirit envelops us in its warm embrace, our hearts fill with joy, and the spirit of giving permeates every aspect of our lives. It's a time for family, celebration, and gratitude. Yet,...
Tinnitus Relief: Exploring the Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Do you hear a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in your ears? If so, you may be experiencing tinnitus, a prevalent condition that affects millions of people worldwide and can have a significant impact on their quality of life. Understanding Tinnitus Tinnitus is...
Chiropractic Care for True Health and Wellness
In today's fast-paced world, our approach to healthcare has largely become one of reacting to sickness rather than proactively fostering health. This paradigm, often referred to as the allopathic or medical model of healthcare, has its merits but is better labelled as...
The Power of Zone 2 Running: Understanding the Maffetone Method
When it comes to improving athletic performance, the modern adage seems to be, "Go hard or go home." As a Chiropractor I see people every day complaining about some ache or niggle that is hindering their running progression, usually in the form of an overuse injury...