

Januworry: How to Prevent Long-Term Health Strain from Catching Up with You As January rolls around, many of us find ourselves facing Januworry—the financial stress that comes after overspending during the festive season. December is a time of celebration, indulgence,...


In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to feel “connected.” We’re constantly surrounded by screens, social media notifications, and instant messaging. Yet, despite being more “connected” than ever, many of us feel an underlying sense of...
Shedding Light on Health

Shedding Light on Health

Imagine walking into a dark room. How do you increase the light? By adding a light source, of course. How do you decrease the light? Do you add darkness? Of course not, you remove the light. Darkness is not something you can add to the room; it’s simply the absence of...


This month we’re delving into the delightful world of laughter and its profound impact on our health and well-being. As the saying goes, “laughter is the best medicine,” and we’re about to explore just why that is! The Science Behind Laughter:...
Principles for restorative breaks

Principles for restorative breaks

When we think about time, it’s often that there’s not enough of it. What we often miss is that timing, when we do things, is a huge part of using our time well. We do certain tasks better at different times of the day because our moods and performance cycle through...
Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

We often think of connection as something that happens outwards. We think of our connections to the significant people in our lives, especially approaching Valentine’s Day. A connection that is often overlooked, however, is that which we have with ourselves. We...
Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic

Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic

If you’ve ever had shoulder pain, put your hand high up in the air. You can lift your arm way over your head because your shoulder is the most moveable joint in your body. Its closest rival is your hip joint but it’s not really a contest – try to swing your hip...
Strong Foundations Create Certainty.

Strong Foundations Create Certainty.

Foundations (noun): a basis (such as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported. When it comes to being certain about anything in life, foundations are incredibly important. When we don’t have the groundwork in place, any small challenge...
New Year, New Resolutions

New Year, New Resolutions

Get ready, boys and girls, for another new year and a new bunch of sparkly resolutions. Prepare to wait in line at the gym, stock up on kale before it runs out, and look out for those shiny new takkies soon to be hitting the pavement. It’s “a New Year and a New Me,”...
Back To The Light

Back To The Light

What does “Light” mean to you? Is it a presence or an absence? When there is a dark room, can you make it lighter by removing darkness? Can you add a source of darkness? If you toggle a dimmer switch, are you adding darkness to the room or only providing...
Wisdom from our Chiropractic Forefathers

Wisdom from our Chiropractic Forefathers

In this, the information age, there are so many different opinions and ideas on what is best for people that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Every second person seems to have the miracle practice or procedure to protect us from illness. What we’ve been focusing on is a...
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