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8 Health Benefits of Walking

8 Health Benefits of Walking

Walking is one of the simplest yet most effective forms of exercise, offering numerous health benefits that align perfectly with Chiropractic principles of movement, alignment, and overall well-being. As Chiropractors, we emphasize the importance of proper...

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Longevity Without Sacrificing Performance

Longevity Without Sacrificing Performance

From the moment we are born, we begin to age. Often we associate aging with a decline in health, both physical and mental. But aging doesn’t have to mean decline. Ageing has little to do with time Imagine looking at twins at the age of 60 where one has been smoking,...

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Love – Synergy and Synchronicity

Love – Synergy and Synchronicity

“Love is the synergy and synchronicity of complementary opposites” – Dr John Demartini With February being the month of love I thought it appropriate to discuss this subject which Hollywood and social media has distorted to such an extent that it has become...

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2020 in a Nutshell

2020 in a Nutshell

Wow! 2020 has been a year. In January our radiology suit was completed and we were able to start offering on-site, state-of-the-art digital X-rays to our diagnostic toolkit. Find out more about Chiropractors and X-rays, click here. At the end of Jan, Dr Greg travelled...

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Peak Chiropractic
26 Draper Square, 14 Draper Street, Claremont
021 671 3303

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