Stress - Articles

How much force do your stressors create?

How much force do your stressors create?

Now it’s important to realise from the start that not all stressors are bad. Stress is actually a vital part of life, in growing and developing. The first year of a baby’s life is a fight against gravity. This physical force (gravity) is a stressor that keeps pushing little wriggling babies down toward the ground. They are innately primed to resist the stressor and learn how to move against it. By struggling against gravity, they learn to roll, sit, crawl and eventually walk, run and jump – and don’t they just delight in their victory?

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Strong Foundations Create Certainty.

Strong Foundations Create Certainty.

Foundations (noun): a basis (such as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported. When it comes to being certain about anything in life, foundations are incredibly important. When we don’t have the groundwork in place, any small challenge...

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What is FATIGUE?

What is FATIGUE?

What is fatigue? We all get tired. Very few people get the rest that they need to feel refreshed, energized and focused all of the time. Most of us get enough rest to function but not enough for us to be top of our game. Usually, a good night’s sleep will leave us...

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Love – Synergy and Synchronicity

Love – Synergy and Synchronicity

“Love is the synergy and synchronicity of complementary opposites” – Dr John Demartini With February being the month of love I thought it appropriate to discuss this subject which Hollywood and social media has distorted to such an extent that it has become...

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021 671 3303

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